Posted on Fri, 31.10.03 19:15:20, Email:
Subject: VIDEO?
Do you know any links for Stephanie video ?
Posted on Sun, 02.11.03 01:16:59, Email:
Subject: RE: VIDEO?
I think there are no pages with Stephanies Videos over the internet. Only on the following page are 1 to 2 videos of her, but not more. Maybe someone else knows other links.
Posted on Sun, 02.11.03 01:42:27, Email:
Subject: RE: VIDEO?
Thank you for posting that link Jamie. Yes we have a few short video clips over at:
groups.msn.com/StephanieSeymour and I'm working on adding a few new clips from Stephanie's guest apperance in the Law and Order: Criminal Intent episode 12 Crazy.
You can also view another Stephanie video over at the proactiv site.